The poster session for academia will be held to promote the exchange of information between people related to universities and those in various industries. The poster session is aimed at undergraduate and graduate university students who would like to expose their research activities to participants of the conference. A short oral presentation a student will be requested to evaluate for an award.
The poster session for companies and institutes will be held to promote the challenging exploratory study which does not have sufficient experimental data but which is very innovative, exchanging information with researchers in academia and engineers in industry.
Detail information on Poster Session for Academia (PDF)
Detail information on Poster Session for Exploratory (PDF)
*Please see Notice to Attendees before your entry.
Author Resources
Application of Poster Session for Academia (DOC/ZIP)
Application of Poster Session for Exploratory (DOC/ZIP)
If you have any inquiries regarding poster session application form submission and deadlines, please feel free to contact us.
– Contact information: Society of Automotive Engineering of Japan, Inc.
– E-mail: